Workflows are prewritten email notifications that are automatically sent to your client to remind them to make a payment to you after you sent them a payment request. You can schedule them according to three conditions: days before the due date, days after the due date, and days after the creation date. Then, you can make the email personalized by adding Curant's email variables that pull in data about the payment request and client.

In summary, workflows allow you to create triggered notifications based on certain actions. The notifications are emails sent to your clients. ex: a reminder for overdue payment.

Workflows Page

On your side navigation, you can click “Workflows”.

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Once a Workflow is created, workflows can be duplicated or deleted.

You can also view how many of your clients currently have the Workflow attached to them.

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How to create a Workflow

  1. Click “New Workflow”

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  2. Click “Add Action”

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  3. After naming the action, you'll want to select a condition. The three main conditions of actions are:

    1. Days after due date
    2. Days before due date
    3. Days after creation date

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  4. Once a condition is selected, choose the number of days to initiate the action. You can add multiple-day triggers.

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  5. If you want to, at this point you can click “Generate Template with AI” to have AI generate a unique email that uses our email variables, making the notification completely customized for each of your clients.

  6. Otherwise, you are able to add a Subject, Preheader (summary text that follows the subject line when viewed in an inbox), and Body.

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  7. When writing the body of the action, you're able to include our email variables which make the content of the email dynamic to the conditions, receiver, or organization sending the workflow.

  8. Click “Create Action” when you’re done

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  9. You can add as many actions to this workflow as you like, just rinse and repeat steps 2-8.

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Multiple actions can be grouped into a single notification. Clicking on the wrench icon will enable you to set the minimum number of days before re-contacting the client.