3 easy steps to getting started on Curant

After your business becomes a verified organization, here are 3 steps you’ll want to follow to send your first payment request:

  1. Create a new Client:
    1. On the Client’s page, click +New Client and fill out the necessary fields.
  2. Create a Workflow (optional): Workflows enable you to design automatic emails that are sent to your client based on an action. The most common workflow is a payment reminder that can be triggered based on 3 actions.
    1. On the Workflow page, click New Workflow. Actions:
      1. Days after creation date
      2. Days before due date
      3. Days after due date
    2. When drafting the email message with a subject and body, you can use our email variables located here to personalize the content.
  3. Create a Payment Request: 2 options: in-app or via inbound email
    1. In-app - on the Payment Request page, click New Payment Request and fill out the form. Once you click Submit, it will email the payment request email with a link to the payment page to the Client’s default contact.

    2. Via inbound email:

      Draft an email with the following information in the body (subject is not used/leave blank):

      To: <email> Description: <text> Amount: <currency value or number> Invoice number: <text> Due date: <date in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2022-12-30> Status: <"pending" or "draft"> Accepts short pay: <"yes", "true", "no", "false"> Accept minimum: <"yes", "true", "no", "false">

      Send the email to your inbound email found in organization settings (accessed via the gear in the bottom left side of Curant) under Account Settings>Account>Inbound Email.

      Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 5.32.52 PM.png

      The inbound email will create a DRAFT payment request if the status is Draft. Once drafted, click on the payment request detail page and click Send Request.

Controller & Beneficial Owners

Email Variables